Contextualization in a Hindu Setting
If you have a heart to develop deep, authentic relationships with your Hindu neighbors and co-workers in which friendship is real and Christ is glorified, take a look at this article. It will help you get started. I especially commend to you the "contextual skill set" that lists several basic to advanced skills that one should work on in order to deepen those cross-cultural relationships. Skills listed include learning how to pronounce names correctly, learning to appreciate food, and learning about Hindu worship practices and forms.

Lately, I've been wrestling with questions of discipleship among the Bhutanese-Nepalis with whom we are working and this graphic helps me to consider different realms or areas where spiritual growth is needed and helps me to ask questions of myself as to what my responsibilities are as a disciple-maker for Christ's sake. As a matter of fact, after looking at the diagram for a few minutes, I printed it out and taped it to the inside of my Nepali Bible so that it would be handy for me to view whenever I'm with young Nepali Christ-followers.
So, I'm happy to commend these resources to you today. Let me know if they raise any questions for you.
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