
दशैँ प्रार्थना- Monday, 10/22/2012 अष्टमी (Eighth Day) Gentleness Day

पवित्र आत्माको फल नम्रता हो.
The fruit of the Holy Spirit is gentleness.

तिमीहरूका भित्री हृदयलाई भलो र शान्त आत्माको अविनाशी रत्नले सजाओ, जो परमेश्वरको दृष्टिमा साह्रै मुल्यवान् छ। (१ पत्रुस ३:४, 1 Peter 3:4)

Ask God to give you gentleness and humility so that your relationships with others can be improved.

आज, प्रार्थना गर्नुहोस्-“पिता परमेश्वर, मलाई अरूहरूसंग शक्त र आनन्दित् सम्बन्ध चाहियो । यसकारण हे प्रभु, ममा कमलो हृदय सृजानुहोस। “

1 comment:

  1. yes i ask that i also will b slow 2 anger,slow 2 speak & quick 2 listen and that i will make the most of my opportunities by having my words and actions full of grace seasoned with salt so that i no how 2 answer EVERY1;this will glorify ALMIGHTY FATHER GOD/JESUS, aaaaamen ;-)
