When I read the below excerpt from Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost, I thought, "Well, that's a dumb thing to say." Then I enjoyed reading/watching John Piper's response. BTW - I was originally led to this by someone that tweeted the article in such as way that suggested that Hirsch and Frost were taking contextualization too far. I'm not sure why. They aren't talking about contextualization at all. Just pure silliness.
Minimizing Views of God Don't Advance the Mission - Desiring God: "Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost write in The Faith of Leap:
It seems correct to say that God took something of a risk in handing over his mission to the all-too-sinful human beings who were his original disciples—and all the sinful disciples beyond them. We wonder what Jesus must have been thinking on the cross, when all but a few powerless women had completely abandoned him. Did he wonder if love alone was enough to draw them back to discipleship? The noncoercive love of the cross necessitated a genuinely human response of willing obedience from his disciples. Given our predispositions to rebellion and idolatry, it is entirely conceivable that history could have gone in a completely different, indeed totally disastrous, direction if the original disciples hadn’t plucked up the internal courage to follow Jesus no matter where. (36–37, Locations 464)"
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